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Born in Venezuela, lived in Iran, raised in Nederland.

We all are ONE 

Ever since my childhood I felt the interconnectedness with other people and with nature. To my big surprise I discovered that this also is one of the essentials of Near-death Experiences. The other essential being unconditional love.


My work

After my study economics at the University of Groningen I worked with a French bank. After five years I went back again to the university to work as assistant professor and to write my doctoral thesis. After many international publications and my Ph.D. I moved to Amsterdam to work with the Dutch Central Bank. First as banking supervisor, then as risk manager of the banking part of the Central Bank, and finally as insurance supervisor. Currently I am retired and started working with children who need support with their schoolwork.


Started writing

When my brother passed away as a consequence of Aids I had a brain waive. I felt that I should write a book about the last part of his life, in which his friends and family lovingly took care of him. That was ‘Michael’s cloak’. It was translated in English and published in 2021.



When the biggest massacre after World War II took place in former Yugoslavia (all men of the village Screbrenica were deported under the eye of the international community, and subsequently secretly murdered), I felt compelled to write the story of the next-of-kin, the women that were left behind. That was ‘Beyond the Yellow Bridge’.


Near-death Experiences

In 1978, when I read the first book on Near-death Experiences (by Raymond Moody), I knew for sure that it was right. I felt that with every fibre of my being. Especially when I read that there is no-one who judges us after our death. There was a shock through my body, because I knew it was correct. This was contrary to what I had learned as a Roman Catholic. That is why I wanted to compare the essences of NDEs with the essences of the five world religions. Although I wanted to know that out of interest, my study ran so much out of hand that I decided to write and publish my findings. That was the book ‘The Essence of Religions’.


In the meantime I met more and more NDErs, and I decided to describe their extraordinary stories and views in a book. That book was translated into three languages: ‘Messages from The Light’. My newest book is Impressions of Near-Death Experiences, a book with hundreds of quotes od NDErs, thoughtfully categorized under a broad spectrum of major headings. I consider this my best book on NDEs because of the wealth of quotes from experiencers, in my opinion the best tutors in life.


Stopped working

In 2019 stopped working to concentrate on other nice things to do. A.o. I now work with refugees and children. 

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© 2023 by Robert Christophor Coppes.        Thank you for visiting my website! 

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