All is everything, and everything is ONE - We are ONE
NDEs and religions
What are the differences and what are the similarities?
The start of my third book, about Near-Death Experiences (NDEs), was quite different. I was caught up in this subject at the start of the eighties after I had read the pioneering books of Elisabeth Kübler-Ross and Raymond Moody.
Afterwards I could never let go of the subject any more. I thought it was wonderful what people with a NDE described. It was so beautiful, so special and so sensational, and it matched the image of God as my parents taught me: there is a God of pure love. But in the mean time I had also experienced and seen shocking things, like the death of my mother, the dying of my brother from the consequences of Aids (my first book) and the murder of seven to eight thousand people in Srebrenica (my second book). And so much more still happens. What is the reason of it all? I thought of it for a long time, because despite these terrible things I kept believing in the good that is described in NDEs, i.e. a good God of love.
In 2000 I became member of IANDS, the International Association for Near-Death Studies and subscribed to their more scientific journal. From that I understood, in the course of time there has already been done quite some scientific work. For myself I wanted to write that down in a more structured way.
One day a good friend of mine told me that she saw me writing a book about this subject. She couldn’t have known that I was already working on it. Surprised about this coincidence, I decided to go ahead with it. A condition for me was that I wanted to add something new to the many publications about NDEs. For me that was the analysis of the relation between NDEs and the religions: the parallels and the differences.
Religions (Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam) are very special phenomena. They say that they have answers to many, if not to all spiritual questions with respect to the purpose of our life, the way we should lead it and what will happen to us when we die. By saying that with a lot of power and during a long period, religions have obtained a kind of monopoly. But the NDEs show that the search for answers to spiritual questions is not over and still continues.
That is what occupies me. It is my search, which I would like to share with others. What I have discovered and want to show, is that something very beautiful is waiting for us, that we are part of something so much bigger, that it is important to deal with one’s own life and that of others in a positive way, and that we have to add something good to it.
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